FTP Backup

FTP Backup

To automatically transfer 5651 logs to an FTP server on Coslat, follow these steps:
Select "Log Backup" from the "System" menu.

Backup to FTP: Indicates whether the FTP backup service is on or off.
FTP Address: Specifies the FTP address where backups will be sent.
Username: Specifies the username for the target FTP address.
Password: Specifies the password for the target FTP address.
Backup Interval: Specifies the interval for backups.
FTP Folder: Specifies the target folder on the FTP address.
Passive Mode: Activates FTP passive mode.

Frequency Options: Specifies how often backups will be performed based on the settings above.

Successful Backups: Shows successfully transferred backups to FTP.
Failed Backups: Shows backups that failed during FTP transfer.